Bunny Haven Rabbitry and Poultry Farm
14450 I.H. 35 South Von Ormy, TX 78073 US
Phone: 210-274-3217 Website: http://www.sanantoniobunnyhaven.com

 Fully feathered chickens will need a strong and predator-proof coop to keep your chickens safe at night. Predators will destroy a store-bought chicken coop without reinforcement. Reinforce, Reinforce and Reinforce your coop. You will need a good coop, a place where they are able to get out of the sun, wind. The coop needs to be water-resistant as there is nothing more miserable than a wet chicken. The coop needs good ventilation a good flow of air will keep the coop nice for your hens. If you think it’s too hot you need to add more ventilation holes. You will need nesting boxes approximately one box for every three hens, but it never hurts to have more. There is always one favorite box that they will squabble over, so more is better. Your chickens will need a place to roosts. A roost is a place where the birds gather to sleep at night. They will all generally sleep on the same perch/roost. Besides a secure coop your chicken is also going to need access to some outside space; regardless of whether this is contained or free-range.

Baby  chicks need to stay in a brooder for their first 6 weeks. You should have them in a large enough brooder so they can get away from the heat lamp as needed. For the bottom of the brooder never use newspaper or magazine because their legs will not develop properly. We recommended using paper towels over wood shavings or sand for the first few days. The paper towel on top will stop them pecking at and eating the shavings or sand while they figure out what food is.

Water container for chicks should be small to stop accidental drowning. Always have fresh clean water available for your chicks. Place the waterer as far as possible away from the heat lamp. You should feed your chicks medicated chick starter for the first 6 to 8 weeks. Medicated feed is usually medicated with a small amount of Amprolium drugs, which helps prevent Coccidiosis. Check your chicks' bottoms daily, especially during the first 2 weeks. If baby chicks get clogged up making it impossible for them to relieve themselves, you will need to clean this off.

Check out our Daily Deals  page for what's available

Please call to ensure that I am available at the time you wish to visit.

* We raise and sell Chickens, Peafowls and Rabbits.*

Lops, Dwarfs and Lionheads rabbits,with many

bunnies to choose from call and come by to

find your pet rabbit or poultry.

Bunny Haven Rabbitry
14450 I.H. 35 South Von Ormy, TX 78073 US
Phone: 210-274-3217 Website: http://www.sanantoniobunnyhaven.com

Backyard Chickens, Chicks for sale in San Antonio area.  Bexar Country chicken, chicks, roosters, hens, rabbit, rabbits, bunny, bunnies ducks duck duckling. Chickens, Chicks, for sale San Antonio area

Rabbits and backyard chickens for sale south of San Antonio Bexar Country

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For sale Rabbit, rabbits, bunny, bunnies, chicken, chickens, ducks, turkeys. In the San Antonio area.

Lops, dwarfs, lionheads. Chicks  laying, Old English bantams, seramas, polish

Chickens rabbits San Antonio. Chickens, rabbits, San Antonio. Chickens rabbits San Antonio

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Backyard Chickens for sale in San Antonio area.  Chicken for sale, baby chickens, rabbit, bunny, bunnies,  ducks duck duckling

Backyard Chickens for sale in San Antonio area.  Chicken for sale, baby chickens, rabbit, bunny, bunnies,  ducks duck duckling

Backyard Chickens for sale in San Antonio area.  Chicken for sale, baby chickens, rabbit, bunny, bunnies, ducks duck duckling

Backyard Chickens for sale in San Antonio area.  Chicken for sale, baby chickens, rabbit, bunny, bunnies, ducks duck duckling

Backyard Chickens for sale in San Antonio area. Turkeys Chicken for sale, baby chickens, rabbit, bunny, bunnies,turkey, ducks duck duckling guineas, turkey, guinea
guineas, turkey, guinea,guineas, turkey, guinea,guineas, turkey, guinea,guineas, turkey, guinea, guineas, turkey, guinea

Barred Rock and Sex-link chickens are strong dual-purpose chickens, as they are a good poultry breed for year-round egg laying as well as meat production. They are known for their friendly disposition, hardiness in cold climates and large brown eggs. The hens will start laying eggs when they reach about 6 to 7 months old. 

Bunny Haven Rabbitry

and Poultry Farm

